Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies.pdf

 Whether your aim is to become a physical therapist or a pharmacist, a doctor or an acupuncturist, a nutritionist or a personal trainer, a registered nurse or a paramedic, a parent or simply a healthy human being — your efforts have to be based on a good understanding of anatomy and physiology. But knowing that the knee bone connects to the thigh bone (or does it?) is just the tip of the iceberg. In Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies, you discover intricacies that will leave you agog with wonder. The human body is a miraculous biological machine capable of growing, interacting with the world, and even reproducing despite any number of environmental odds stacked against it. Understanding how the body’s interlaced systems accomplish these feats requires a close look at everything from chemistry to structural mechanics.
This workbook isn’t meant to replace a textbook, and it’s certainly not meant to replace going to an actual anatomy and physiology class. It works best as a supplement to your ongoing education and as a study aid in prepping for exams.
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